Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath) Value

Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath)

Type:- Secret Limited unit

Trend:- Stable

Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath)


Deployment Cost1,600¥
Total Cost38,000¥
Upgrade Levels7
Damage TypesPhysical

Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath) Value :- 525

Demand:- 5

Tier:- High A Tier / A+


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Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath) Is a Secret Limited unit Rarity of Unit and it is Tier High A Tier / A+ in Unit in Anime Adventures.

Deployment cost of Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath) is 1,600¥ and there are total 7 Upgrade Levels of this unit and total cost of Upgradation is around 38,000¥.

The Current Value of Shiny Ice Queen (Esdeath) is Estimated to be around 525 Mush. Current Demand of this pet is 5 out of 10. Reroll Tokens of this is around to be 40.